Palpatine Reveals Himself (ROTS) (3)
Basic info
First appearance: Revenge of the Sith
Relations: Coruscant
When Anakin Skywalker began having nightmares about the death of Padme, he went to Master Yoda for advice, but Yoda encouraged Anakin to let go of anything he feared to lose. Anakin knew that could never be an option for him. After that he went to a private meeting with the Palpatine who convinced Anakin that he needed to open his mind to the Sith knowledge of sustaining or creating life. This statement alone caused Anakin to correctly deduce that Palpatine was Darth Sidious, the Sith Master for which they had been searching for thirteen years. Palpatine openly admitted that this was true and encouraged Anakin to renounce the Jedi and embrace the ways of the Sith. Anakin nearly killed Palpatine on the spot, and Palpatine further tempered the young Jedi's emotions by claiming that his anger only made him stronger. However, Anakin stayed his hand - for the moment - and instead informed Palpatine that he would turn him over to the Jedi Council, but Palpatine continued to put doubt into Anakin's mind by reminding him that he did not know the full extent of what the Jedi's plans were and urged him to "know the power of the Dark Side, the power to save Padme". Anakin immediately went to Master Windu to inform him of his discovery of Palpatine's true identity.


See also
Related units, characters and technologies
Anakin Skywalker
Complete list
Star Wars Episode III - Revenge of the Sith Star Wars The Complete Saga (Blu Ray) Chancellor Palpatine (Unique)
Prequel Trilogy
Star Wars Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
Star Wars The Complete Saga (Blu Ray)
Chancellor Palpatine (Unique)
Blu-Ray Cat. # 2274218
Tags (2)

Palpatine | Coruscant

Events (14)

Battle of Coruscant (ROTS) | The Fall of the Jedi Temple (ROTS) | Battle of Kashyyyk | Battle of Utapau | R2-D2 fights SBDs (BoC) | Separatist Council Departs from Utapau | Making Contact (ROTS) | Recovery on Mustafar (ROTS) | Duel on Mustafar | Duel in Palpatine's office | Slaughter on Mustafar | Seeds of the Rebellion (ROTS) | The birth of Luke and Leia (ROTS) | Rise of Darth Vader

Events (62)

Arrival on Coruscant (32BBY) | Falcon's Escape | Battle over Naboo | Battle of Theed | Ambassadors to Naboo | Journey from Otoh Gunga to Theed | Fall of Theed | Battle over Endor | Endor Campaign | Arrival at Endor (ROTJ) | Battle of Yavin | Yavin Award Ceremony | Escape from Death Star | Anakin's Test (32BBY) | Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan's Debrief (32ABY) | Geonosis Arena Battle | Aftermath | Luke's Surrender (ROTJ) | Death Star Meeting | Rendezvous on Redemption | Battle of Coruscant (ROTS) | The Fall of the Jedi Temple (ROTS) | Escape from Theed | Duel on Naboo | Departing Tatooine (32BBY) | Qui-Gon Encounters Anakin (32BBY) | Battle of Kashyyyk | Return to Naboo | Introducing Darth Maul (32BBY) | Palpatine meets Padme in His Office (32 BBY) | Special Session of the Senate (32BBY) | Theed Celebration | Battle of Utapau | R2-D2 fights SBDs (BoC) | Investigation on Kamino | Battle of Geonosis | Anakin and Padme on Naboo (AOTC) | Separatist Council Departs from Utapau | Making Contact (ROTS) | Recovery on Mustafar (ROTS) | Travel from Coruscant to Naboo (AOTC) | Bombing at Landing Pad (AOTC) | Searching for Saberdart Origin (AOTC) | Special Session of the Senate (AOTC) | Jedi Rocks (ROTJ) | Duel on Mustafar | Sidious sends Maul to Tatooine (32BBY) | Vader's Visit to the DS-2 (ROTJ) | Duel in Palpatine's office | Anakin and Padme depart Tatooine | Senate oversees deployment of GAR | Palpatine's Nomination | Palpatine arrives on Naboo | Qui-Gon Jinn's funeral | Meeting in Palpatine's office (AOTC) | Palpatine flattering Anakin (AOTC) | The Emperor arrives | Return to Dagobah | Slaughter on Mustafar | Seeds of the Rebellion (ROTS) | The birth of Luke and Leia (ROTS) | Rise of Darth Vader

Last updated: 13.03.2022 22:15:11